Sunday, April 30, 2006


Well, the first thing I can say about this place is it is not at all what I expected. I thought it would be a war torn shell of a city with few modern conveniences. Well, it´s true that the electricity goes, that the water isn´t safe to drink and that most of the time it stinks of raw sewage which sits still on the streets. But Angola is also a place of enormous wealth (primarily oil and diamonds, but other natural resources as well). Luanda is a boom town. There are buildings going up everywhere and many people are becoming VERY rich. All with the sewage and the street kids there are wealthy business people driving chauffeured Range Rovers and talking on $500 cell phones. Above all else, the people here are amazingly friendly...shockingly friendly.

On Friday night I got the biggest surprise because I went out dancing. Things donºt really get going here until midnight and they continue on well into I quickly learned! We went to a new club called "Chill Out" and I tell you folks, I could have been in Miami. The place is lovely...and very well designed...all outside with thatched roofs to block out the sun during the day. We drank Caiparihniaºs and danced until 3am until heading to another club for the last hour of dancing, then to a restaurant on the ocean to watch the sun rise. What a night!

Itºs taken me days to recover from that one!

There is so much to say about this place that I really donºt know where to start, but Iºll have to end there because my time is almost out at the internet cafe. Until later!


Tony said...

Hi, it is great to read a balanced view of this country. One so often only sees negative info about Angola, sadly. I am really happy that you seem to have enjoyed your Angolan experience.......
With your permission, I would like to put a link to your blog on our blog, as the more people who read and write in a sensible way about this country, the sooner it will be seen as a place that it is worth going to.

Tony said...

lol, I forgot to say, I see that you have arived, and I assume that you have managed to find the sort of housing you needed..... welcome to Luanda!